性别: 男
主学院: 中药学院
导师类型: 硕博导
职称: 研究员
所在学院: 中药学院
办公电话: 62046147
电子信箱: daguo@simm.ac.cn
通讯地址: 上海浦东海科路501上海药物研究所II期
是否兼职: 是
研究方向: 中药质量标准
院系名称: 中药学院
学位类型: 专业学位
专业名称: 中药学/105600
任职经历: 1993 – 1996 美国Texas Tech University 博士后 1990 – 2005 北京大学药学院 讲师、副教授、教授 2005 – 至今 中国科学院上海药物研究所 研究员 2008 – 至今 中药标准化技术国家工程研究中心 主任
课题名称: 国家中医药管理局中医药传承与创新“百千万”人才工程
研究起止时间: 2020-10#2023-12
本人可支配经费(万): 50
备注: 未填写
课题名称: 以通心络胶囊和半夏泻心汤为载体的中药复方质量评价方法及关键技术研究
研究起止时间: 2022-01#2026-12
本人可支配经费(万): 293
备注: 未填写
作为第一指导教师共指导研究生人数: 97
已经毕业研究生人数: 85
目前在学研究生人数: 12
作为第一指导教师共指导研究生人数: 41
已经毕业研究生人数: 33
目前在学研究生人数: 8
成果来源: 导师指导学生成果
学生姓名: 蒙倩
学生层次: 博士
简介及相关评价: This is the first report to use Atmospheric Pressure Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP) for rapid and intelligent authentication of 78 edible flowers. Mass spectra of 451 batches were collected, with each run for 1-2 minutes. Experimental raw data was automatically extracted and aligned to create a MS database, based on which flowers were identified by MS similarity scores and rankings. To avoid background interference, top 25 ions of each flower were screened and gathered into an m/z pool containing 292 ions (+) and 399 ions (-). Binary sequence IDs were then generated by automatically assigning "1" for presence and "0" for absence, resulting in 78 binary codes. Binary code similarity with 78 IDs was used for authentication. Above two approaches were automatically performed by MATLAB, and compared to k-nearest neighbor model, and samples were all successfully identified (100%). The proposed method provides a high-throughput authentication approach for large-scale food samples.
查询方式: Food chemistry
成果名称: ASAP-MS combined with mass spectrum similarity and binary code for rapid and intelligent authentication of 78 edible flowers
成果类型: 论文
成果级别: 其他
参与人数: 10
成果名称: Characterization of natural peptides in Pheretima by integrating proteogenomics and label-free peptidomics
成果类型: 论文
成果级别: 其他
参与人数: 13
成果来源: 导师指导学生成果
学生姓名: 罗晓晓
学生层次: 硕士
简介及相关评价: Pheretima, also called “earthworms”, is a well-known animal-derived traditional Chinese medicine that is extensively used in over 50 Chinese patent medicines (CPMs) in Chinese Pharmacopoeia (2020 edition). However, its zoological origin is unclear, both in the herbal market and CPMs. In this study, a strategy for integrating in-house annotated protein databases constructed from close evolutionary relationship-sourced RNA sequencing data from public archival resources and various sequencing algorithms (restricted search, open search, and de novo) was developed to characterize the phenotype of natural peptides of three major commercial species of Pheretima, including Pheretima aspergillum (PA), Pheretima vulgaris (PV), and Metaphire magna (MM). We identified 10,477 natural peptides in the PA, 7,451 in PV, and 5,896 in MM samples. Five specific signature peptides were screened and then validated using synthetic peptides; these demonstrated robust specificity for the authentication of PA, PV, and MM. Finally, all marker peptides were successfully applied to identify the zoological origins of Brain Heart capsules and Xiaohuoluo pills, revealing the inconsistent Pheretima species used in these CPMs. In conclusion, our integrated strategy could be used for the in-depth characterization of natural peptides of other animal-derived traditional Chinese medicines, especially non-model species with poorly annotated protein databases.
查询方式: Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis 13 (2023) 1070-1079
成果名称: The content and distribution of 18 phenolic compounds in 462 batches of edible flowers from 73 species commercially available in China
成果类型: 论文
成果级别: 其他
参与人数: 10
成果来源: 导师指导学生成果
学生姓名: 李子晴
学生层次: 硕士
简介及相关评价: Phenolic compounds are widely distributed in plant flowers. The present study systematically analyzed 18 phenolic compounds, represented by 4 monocaffeoylquinic acids, 4 dicaffeoylquinic acids, 5 flavones and 5 other phenolic acids, in 73 species (462 batches of samples) of edible flowers by a new established and validated HPLCUV (high-performance liquid chromatography ultraviolet) (327/217 nm) method. Among all the species analyzed, 59 species were demonstrated to contain at least one or more quantifable phenolic compounds, especially in families of Composite, Rosaceae and Caprifoliaceae. 3-Caffeoylquinic acid was found to be the most ubiquitous phenolic compound (in 193 batches of 73 species with the content between 0.061 and 65.10 mg/g), followed by rutin and isoquercitrin. While sinapic acid, 1-Caffeoylquinic acid and 1,3-dicaffeoylquinic acid (only in 5 batches of 1 specie with the content between 0.069 and 0.12 mg/g) were the least ones both in ubiquity and concentration. Additionally, the distribution and abundances of phenolic compounds were compared between these flowers, which would be valuable for auxiliary authentication or other usages. This research covered almost all edible and medicinal flowers in the Chinese market with 18 phenolic compounds therein quantifed, which delivered a bird view of phenolic compounds in a broad perspective of edible flowers.
查询方式: Food Research International 166 (2023) 112590
成果名称: A novel integrated automatic strategy for amino acid composition analysis of seeds from 67 species
成果类型: 论文
成果级别: 其他
参与人数: 14
成果来源: 导师指导学生成果
学生姓名: 丁晔林
学生层次: 硕士
简介及相关评价: The composition and quantity of amino acids (AAs) in seeds are complicated due to the various origins and modifcations of different species. In this study, a novel automatic neutral loss fltering (ANLF) strategy based on accurate mass searching by Python was developed to analyze the free and hydrolyzed AA-phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC) derivatives from seeds of Gymnosperm and Angiosperm phyla. Compared with traditional strategies, ANLF showed much higher accuracy in screening AA derivatives by fltering nitrogen-containing non-AA compounds and effciency in processing large datasets. Meanwhile, the content phenotype of 20 proteinogenic AAs from seeds of these two families was characterized by a 35-min HPLC method combined with an automated peakmatching strategy. AA profles of 232 batches of seeds from 67 species, consisting of 19 proteinogenic AAs, 21 modifed AAs, and 77 unknown AAs, would be a good reference for their application in food and medicine.
查询方式: Food Chemistry 426 (2023) 136670
成果名称: Identifcation of Five Gelatins Based on Marker Peptides from Type I Collagen by Mass Spectrum in Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mode
成果类型: 论文
成果级别: 其他
参与人数: 14
成果来源: 导师指导学生成果
学生姓名: 杨佩蕾
学生层次: 硕士
简介及相关评价: In this study, a novel pseudo-targeted peptidomics strategy, integrating the transition list generated by an in-house software (Pep-MRMer) and the retention time transfer by high-abundance ion-based retention time calibration (HAI-RT-cal), was developed to screen marker peptides of gelatins from fve closely related animal species, including porcine, bovine, horse, mule, and donkey. Five marker peptides were screened from the molecular phenotypic differences of type I collagen. Furthermore, a simple and robust 10 min multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) method was established and performed well in distinguishing different gelatins, particularly in discerning horse-hide gelatin (HHG) and mule-hide gelatin (MHG) from donkey-hide gelatin (DHG). The market investigation revealed the serious adulteration of DHG. Meantime, the pseudo-targeted peptidomics could be used to screen marker peptides of other gelatin foods
查询方式: J. Agric. Food Chem. 2023, 71, 5851−5860